kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003

11:50 p.m.

i've been tinkering with my page a lot the past week or so...i THINK it's done...i'll bore you with the details soon. i love it, it's all neat and tidy.

paid some bills, trimmed the hedge, grocery shopping - ah, the glamorous life!

i got 3 entries in my guestbook that used the word "love" in describing my diary...i think i'm making a few new friends here.

oh, and go check out alvie, the guy is funny AND honest about his life...very good stuff!

mr. rogers died, that was sad...another cultural icon gone.

and WHY does letterman have guest hosts this week? did he have another heart attack or something? gotta go find out...

ok, that's it for tonight, short and sweet.

love ya - michael

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