kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003

yesterday, i felt like a perv...
12:13 a.m.

WHY is bob dylan singing on that victoria's secret ad??? i guess it's just his sense of humor, what with all the baby boomers bemoaning hearing the anthems of their youth being used to sell all kinds of products. i mean, i'm sure dylan owns his publishing, so it's probably not like m. jackson selling beatle songs to the highest bidder. but dylan and lacy underwear, i dunno, it's odd. and what IS that song? i don't recognize it.

ok, let's get some googles out of the way:

"retro-gla" (?)

"warhol stars and stripes"

"station of the year"

"bagless fleas"

"michael diaryland"


i'll get to today's topic in a bit...

well, i THINK i'm done fucking around with my template. oh, i'll pop in a new train/station/subway pic up there from time to time, but as for all the little details, yeah, i think it's where i want it. i had to go peek at someone's diary and do the "view source" thing to figure out how to make those grey (gray?) borders...hello briget! (are you reading me? do you have any pictures of you-know-who you can send me?)

private jokes...don't ya love 'em?

anyway, yeah, the place looks pretty spiffy, i think. that picture for the humboldt ring over there...well, visitors to our fair city always notice it..."wow, what is that big building in the middle of town?" it's the humboldt hilton, a.k.a. "the graybar hotel"...but shucks, we just call it the county jail! ha! i thought that was better than the typical redwood trees or the carson mansion (the most photographed building in america, they say.) oh, what the hell, i have to show it once...

it's now a private club for rich folks, so, NO you can't go inside! (for a little background history, go HERE.)

although you can't see it, our beautiful library is right behind the carson mansion...here's the back view of the library...

nice, huh? those windows look out over the bay, the woodley island marina, the humboldt bay bridge and the mountains. those big widows at the top in the middle is the humboldt room, were all sorts of local historical publications are kept. it's weird, you have to sign in when you enter, and they have signs all over telling you that if you take something off the shelves, please DO NOT re-shelve it, leave it on the big table that sits in the middle of the room.

and this is the place where i felt like a big creepy homo perv boy-lover yesterday...


see, i went down there to do a little research...to see if i could find a few pictures of my little chat-buddy known as "the goose". see, they have YEARBOOKS in the humboldt room...HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS...sounding creepy yet?

and since the goose recently graduated from, um, high school, i thought i might find his shining young face. and i did.

so there i am, pulling yearbooks down off the shelf. his senoir yearbook was a bit frustrating...we always had an index in the back (you could always tell who the popular kids were, they had LOTS of page nunbers after their name). but no, no index. well, i found some pictures of the lad, and i made some xeroxes. but i just couldn't look up at the old man librarian sitting behind his desk, i felt like i was doing something...dirty! god, that sounds silly, but i didn't want to see if he was watching me. of course, i left the evidence on the table when i left! and they had my name!

when i was done, i put on my headphones, cranked the led zeppelin, and almost ran down the stairs...i felt like i was in a spy movie or something. i walked out of there with a superior little stride in my step...oh, it was a funny feeling.

i already know what the goose looks like, but it was fun to see some more pictures. i have several of him, but they're all from the same...event, and i always think of him as only having that one red shirt! plus, i got a look at some other d-landers that i occasionally read AND the goose's little sister.

i really love yearbooks, they were always a source of, umm, well, sexual fantasies for me back in high school. i mean, like...looking at the pictures of the boys on the gymnastics team, or especially the swim team and seeing their...acorns. (i got that term from ddrboy. hello richard!)

goose's yearbook had TWO pages showing some students' various tattoos and piercings! in the YEARBOOK!

i MUST be getting old.

so old, in fact, that i must get to bed. love to ya all, m.

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