kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003

bon voyage
3:07 a.m.

steve is flying out to california today...please send some good vibrations his way!

here's some words from neil young...


I remember long ago
How I wondered where I'd go
While the blizzards, cold wind and snow
Pounded outside my window

California sunset
Going down in the West
All the colors in the sky
Kiss another day goodbye

Land of beauty, space and light
Land of promise land of might
You're my home now and it's true
California, here's to you

California sunset
Going down in the West
All the colors in the sky
Kiss another day goodbye

i guess i'll hold off on a big entry untill tomorrow night. i can't relax until the boy's in the air!...jr got HIS package today...good god, priority mail kicks ass!

the boys will be smelling my brown sugar candle and thinking of me...or thanking me, i hope. have a great week, guys...there's a table waiting for you at italy's little kitchen...

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