kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003

the friendly skies
10:48 p.m.

this is NOT the big entry i've been promising for the last few days...

i've been too busy here at gayfriendfinders.com, manning the switchboard, checking flight schedules and relaying messages between the midwest, l.a., and washington, d.c.


well, my godson steve is in mid-flight as i type, winging his way to la-la-land. he was SUPPOSED to fly from cleveland to cincinnati, and then on to l.a. but, there was trouble with the first plane, so he was delayed. he called me from cleveland, cuz he was worried that jr in l.a. would be at the airport waiting and waiting. (see, the plane to l.a. was on schedule, but steve would not be on it!) i relayed the message to jr, and then later steve called again from cleveland, saying that they got him a flight on another airline, but that he had to go to washington first, and then catch a direct flight to l.a....oh, what a day, i'm glad i stayed home!

later, steve called me from washington and gave me the flight number for his plane to l.a. i got this info to jr (busy doing some last minute laundry!). this new flight is arriving a few hours later than the original flight...i went to the united website and got jr the info about the flight...it's getting to l.a. about 11:40 tonight. i went back later and saw that the plane was in the air...very cool. then i found a map of LAX and put a big red arrow on it, pointing to the correct gate. jr probably knew where to go, but just in case, i sent him that too...

i wish i could stay up and wait for a message that he arrived safely, but i'm expecting an email when i get up at 5:00 a.m. for work. they'll probably be up all night talking anyway. after months of IM's, this will be their FIRST face-to-face meeting!

(remember, i'm the one who made the introductions here...i told both of them this past week that in a weird way i wondered if i actually made them both up in my mind...would i wake up one morning and find that it was all in my imagination?)

it's been so much fun watching this friendship grow...but what happens next? i guess i'll just have to wait and see...




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