kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

a sobering thought...
1:47 a.m.

it's been 365 days since i've had a "real" drink... hey, that's almost a whole year, people!

that said, here's what i DO drink...

"You hear it all the time and it has often been confirmed by medical authorities: beer is good for you. It is fundamentally healthy because it contains large amounts of important nutrients, such as easily reabsorbable carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids), vitamins (primarily the essential B complex), and electrolytes (vital minerals and trace elements).

The goodness of beer in general especially applies to non-alcoholic brew for the simple reason that it contains almost no alcohol. Down to a minimum of 0.45% alcohol by volume at Clausthaler, without which we couldn't brew a good-tasting, non-alcoholic brew even at the best of our ability.

How significant is this 0.35% alc. (percentage by weight) content from a medical standpoint? Not at all. This alcohol content lies below the established limit of 0.5% alc. (percentage by volume) for non-alcoholic brew allowed by law. The small amount is negligible and has no effect on the human body. The 0.35% alcohol content lies even below the alcohol percentage often found in a many of foods such as fruit juices, soft drinks, and yes, even bread.

Scientific investigation carried out in the Institute for Medical Law at the University of Frankfurt by Professor Dr. med. K. Luff, has confirmed that the consumption of Clausthaler has no effect on one's BAC (blood alcohol content) nor on ability to react."

"Clausthaler, not always, but less never than before..."

that's SOME wacky slogan they've got there...

and just think, it was a year ago i had my MOMENT OF CLARITY while sitting in my truck having an anxiety attack and waiting to go get my eye exam, and today i'm gonna go pick up my new car...

( i've been so busy with "the boys" the past week, i neglected to mention that sole savers accepted my offer of $5000 for the metro! my loan check came in the mail today, so i'm just about there...)

oh, there's gonna be a few hassles...i can't find the pink slip for the truck, and the DMV is about the LAST place i wanna hang out at. and i have to get the insurance transfered, all that grown-up stuff that makes me so uncomfortable...filling out forms, etc...but it'll all get taken care of.

so...it's time to celebrate...

"all of the taste, none of the fun", that's MY slogan, but i guess that wouldn't sell too many beers...


damn, jr and steve didn't see my beautiful entry last night...



ahhhh, it's ok...they're having a great time getting to know each other, and steve LOVES l.a.!

oh, those silly boys...they DO make me smile... BIG-TIME!

i might take a little time off here, just a few days...if i get the car tomorrow, i'm gonna hit the road and get myself out of town for a few hours...drive down to the "avenue of the giants" (the old redwood highway) and...i dunno...jack off in the woods or something...ha!

so, yeah, i'll be back soon. i still have a big, big entry in mind...just more of the same old bullshit, i'm sure.

stay off the road, michael

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