kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Mar. 24, 2003

the boys
11:18 p.m.

my beautiful boys just called me from l.a. ... they're up on jr's favorite bluff, overlooking the city. i imagine it looks something like this...

i think all i wanna say right now is in a poem i originally posted back in november...


craving skin
that can't be reached

a million billion cells
dying for attention

tongue has memories
lessons remembered

more sour by the hour

hands and fingers
land and linger

a touch too brief
in memory forever


i feel so strange right now...it's a bit like the purple rose of cairo...those charcters up on the screen are taking on a life of their own.

i'm NOT crying...but i'm pretty damn close.

mr. bubbly spontaneity guy and mr. laid-back casual boy...what a pair.

you've given me just as much as i hope i've given you.

love ya, guys...m

wednesday afternoon p.s. - actually steve, something you said on monday really DID bring a tear to my eye (a happy tear), it was so beautiful...it just took me a whole day to remember it! i was kinda overwhelmed monday with all the good news...

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