kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Apr. 04, 2003

back...(it's been a LONG week...)
10:28 p.m.

i've been running some banners the past few days...this one:

did 7.9% clickthrough! that's unheard of!

i know, i know...i am a WHORE!

back with more in a bit...


11:58 p.m.

oh god, it's gotten so late so fast...i'd really like to write but...

well, i DO need to say this...i've gotten some early birthday prezzies in the mail! k. maria sent me that great pink rock photo book, uh... that's PUNK! it's We're Desperate: The Punk Rock Photography of Jim Jocoy, SF/LA 1978-1980 ...thank ya, honey...it's wonderful! here's a two-page spread of exene and john, from X:

i also got 2 cd's from gadfly...peaches and princess superstar...stuff he loves that i've been curious about. course, that wasnt for my birthday, per se, cuz i'm sending HIM something really horrific to bother his obnoxious neighbors with. the princess superstar is great, listened to it tonight...it's full of samples, and this one bass loop was driving me crazy, cuz i knew it, but couldn't place it! it came to me finally...it's from "she's so heavy", from abbey road....duh!

and astronautm sent me a postcard from england! it's so cool when you think about it, that a little piece of paper can make it's way across the ocean...i guess we'll always have mail...and there will ALWAYS be an england!

ok, gonna go have a late-night snack...i'll come back for a few more...things.


12:36 a.m.

ahhh, yeah. i think i'll quit here for the night. as usual, i have lots to say, but i really need to get to bed. so, until tomorrow, kids...michael

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