kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003

big-ass entry...
after sundown...

hope you remember to turn your clocks ahead...

well, it's early, so this may turn out to be a big one. i haven't really done a big BIG entry in a while, and i've got a page full of notes, so here goes...

i'm really loving my new car! it's so...zippy. last week i was driving towards downtown at night, and i suddenly realized something...i can't see the hood when i'm driving! if i adjust my perception a little bit, it's like i'm driving a VW van, as if there's nothing past the windshield...but when i'm stopped at a light with a car in front of me, it's not as if i keep going! i KNOW there's a couple of feet of hood in front of me...i just can't see it. it's weird. oh, and i keep reaching DOWN instead of up when i go for the door handle...some habits die hard, i guess! rob and i went to arcata last week...rob was driving, i got to be the passenger and fiddle with the radio. poor rob, his foot was looking for the clutch pedal! we took a couple of tapes of rob's, cuz i hadn't tried the tape deck yet, i've just been listening to the hip-hop station. (i have my clock radio set to the top 40 country station...that's what wakes me up in the morning...i like to hear what THOSE people are up to these days. THAT'S a whole entry in itself!)

anyway, i selected harvest by neil young and a tape i made for rob of millions now living will never die by tortoise, those chicago art fags. (i mean that in the nicest way.) harvest, of course, is always wonderful, it's one of my favorites of all time. and i'm still listening to tortoise...have you ever head "djed"? oh god, what a wonderful song...it must be 20 minutes long. it starts out all dubby, goes into a marimba freakout section, and then there's a part that sounds like the stereo is blowing up...i LOVE it! tortoise are on thrill jockey, a really great label...check 'em out. (um, i guess i'm done talking about the car for now!)

oh, wait, no...i'm not! right after i got the car, i went to the carfax site to look up the car's history...gee, i guess i should have done that BEFORE i bought it, but i didn't think of it. i was gonna link the report i got, but i guess it's expired. i DID print it out though, and my baby got a clean bill of health...no accidents, no recalls, no lemon reports. it WAS a rental, by the way, and then someone owned it for about a year. the report was pretty detailed...maintainence, smog checks, and the odometer reading every time it was serviced. the report cost 15 bucks, but it was worth it.


i got another present today...yay! it was from steve...iggy pop's party cd. that's 3 days in a row i've had a key in my mailbox, meaning i have to go open up a locker and see what's waiting for me. it's so great to hear those songs again..."eggs on plate", that's my fave....2 bonus tracks, "one for my baby", you know..."it's quarter to three/there's no one in the place/except you and me/ so set 'em up joe/i've got a little story/i think you should know". didn't sinatra do that? oh, it's great! and the other song, "talk to me", sound so much like something rob would write! really! i dunno if he'd agree, i'll play it for him tomorrow before we go for our walk.

steve, steve steve...oh, that boy is a HANDFUL, i'll tell ya. wait, that sounds dirty! he's a real piece of work...hmm, That's not much better!


well, steve is my friend. we've been in constant contact since he got back to ohio....2 hrs. on the phone sunday night, 2 more hrs. a couple nights later...it's so much fun...with my janet jackson headset and my cordless i can just lay in bed and chat....CHAT! oh god, one night we were online chatting for about 5 hrs. total....that was the night i cried...i cried ONLINE, for...uh, crying out loud!

nothing's wrong, it was just a very emotional night. it felt good to cry....i am a sensitive boy sometimes, believe it!

i have some great pictures from his trip...i'd sure love to post a teeny tiny one here...but that's probably a bit much. besides, you know how it goes..."oh he looks good in that one, i look weird". blah, blah, blah...the PICTURES almost made me cry...the one of them having dinner....and i LOVE the one with a bird flying across the sky in the background...guys, i could always put black bars across your eyes to protect the innocent!

steve and i were looking at some local websites together online...i had to explain that although the statue of president mckinley is in the arcata plaza, mckinleyville was named after him...makes sense, right?

i cried again last week, it was during the joni mitchell thing on PBS, when they showed a clip of her singing "sex kills"...

I pulled up behind a Cadillac
We were waiting for the light
And I took a look at his license plate
It said "Just Ice"
Is justice just ice?
Governed by greed and lust?
Just the strong doing what they can
And the weak suffering what they must?
And the gas leaks
And the oil spills
And sex sells everything
And sex kills
Sex kills

Doctors' pills give you brand new ills
And the bills bury you like an avalanche
And lawyers haven't been this popular
Since Robespierre slaughtered half of France!
And Indian chiefs with their old beliefs
know The balance is undone
crazy ions
You can feel it out in traffic
Everyone hates everyone!
And the gas leaks
And the oil spills
And sex sells everything
And sex kills
Sex kills

All these jackoffs at the office
The rapist in the pool
Oh and the tragedies in the nurseries
Little kids packin' guns to school
The ulcerated ozone
These tumors of the skin
This hostile sun beating down on
This massive mess we're in!
And the gas leaks
And the oil spills
And sex sells everything
And sex kills
Sex kills
Sex kills
Sex kills
Sex kills


hmm, what else?

i haven't done shit with the truck yet...i have 3 days off next week, so i need to get to the DMV and get a new pink slip, and i guess a bill of sale to sign off on when i get rid of it....i'm thinking of donating it to the local food bank. i don't wanna deal with putting an ad in the paper, and having people schlep over here to look at it, especially when i'm not gonna get much for it. one full load of crap to the dump, and it's GONE!


oh, here's something funny...it's from a local diary, someone who just joined my humboldt ring...she was bitching about my store...well, not mine, but our store down south a bit from here...enjoy!

" My first stop was to get some more lipliner cuz I was out then I was gonna get a pack of lighters cuz people seem to think it's cool to jack mine. Lighter theifs are one of my biggest pet peeves. So anyhow, I go to ********. That store is so fucking ghetto I dunno how they stay in business. So I'm looking for my brand of makeup and they never have any of the brands I wear cuz I only wear the best and they never have the best. They usually have cheap ass hooker shit like Wet N' Wild and CoverGirl. I mainly wear MaxFactor and Prestige. They didn't have my color, big surprise. They never have mine. I swear they only re-stock once every 5 months. They suck cock. So I reluctantly drag my ass over the dreaded Wet N' Wild section. I looked for a color similar to the one I wear and knowing that their brand is cheap, I wanna test it to make sure it goes on smoothly before I buy it. So I remove the lid and draw a small little line on the back of my hand to see how well it looks. Well apparently the bitch that was working that day saw me do it and flipped out. She starts yelling "Excuse me! Don't try that on!" I just ignored her cuz I thought she must be talking to someone else since I wasn't in a clothing store, therefore it wouldn't be possible for me to be "trying anything on". So then she comes running over and says "Excuse me! Did you hear me? I said not to try those on!" I was like what the fuck? Are you seriously talking to me? Then she starts going off about how people's hands have just as much bacteria on them as they're mouths. Well that's why you sharpen them after you buy them dip shit. And if they don't want people doing that, they should seal them so that you can't remove the lid, duh. Anyhow, I just ended up giving her a dirty look and saying whatever, then I left. I was pissed. I almost handed her the pencil and told her to finish drawing on her almost non-existent eyebrows. But for some reason, I was nicer today and I held my breath. Normally I would have told the cunt to go fuck herself, but not today. Damn I hate being nice. Then she proceeds to walk away mumbling to herself about how people just don't realize. What a whore."

see, i thought she was at MY store...but no! i did email her to ask permission to post this... here's her reply:

"Hey what's up? I was at the ******** in Fortuna. The WORST one of all. They never re-stock. I used to have to drive up to the one in Eureka all the time just to get simple things like a good hair color selection or the right brand of eyeliner. Crap like that. The Fortuna ******** needs to be stopped. :) haha. You can post my stuff on your page if you like, I don't mind at all. Thanks. "

hey, i need a little anonyminity, right?

ok, maybe that's all for now...as usual, i have lots more to say, but i'll save it for later....i have some ideas for entries....one entry could just be things that i never got around to talking about, like the night i fell asleep while making chicken stock...THAT was exciting. and i have another idea...an entry full of random sampled sentences from all the email i'm still holding onto...that could be pretty interesting, too...all random and abstract. and maybe the same idea using uncredited stuff from saved IM chats...talk about protecting the innocent! HA!

oh, and i've decided something....



dj qualls rocks my world! i'm sick of pretty boys!

and if you ever saw this:

you NEVER forgot it, for whatever reason!

well, i see it's 11:00 p.m. i guess i should consider that midnight and get going...

and ya know, i think i deserve an electric blanket...i know someone who really swears by his...maybe i'll go to the mall next week and see if i can find one i like...

oooh, i hear voices...

"it's alright."


all my love, michael

p.s. - did you hear that the offspring are calling their new cd " chinese democracy"? haha, fuck you, axl! shit or get off the pot...

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