kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003

10:16 p.m.

hmmmm...ok...at work today...this particularly beautiful bunch of molecules (i got that from shallow hal...) was...i swear...checking me out...lurking around while i was stocking candy...asking me for directions to the razors...even came back to thank me for helping him...and kept looking back at me as he was heading out the door...but he didn't buy anything...and i didn't see if he had anything in his hand...so what felt like a flirtatious little moment...may have been just another shoplifter...

but, oh, what molecules...i mean, we all have arms and legs and a head and teeth and eyes...but sometimes the right combination can make your head spin...

nobody's checking me out...i KNOW that...i'm not stupid, but i can be oh-so delusional at times.


i'm not writing this to get some nice cheering-up from you wonderful people...in fact, please don't. not this time. cuz "oh, you'll find someone!" isn't what i need at the moment...

i'm too easily excited and often only see what i want to see...

(good lord, i've even started looking at some local personal ads...although i think everyone should have to post a picture...it would be SO fun to say "oh, YOU? i know you!" haha, at least give me an idea of who you are...it's a small town, ya know...)

ok, another pity party is over...sorry, it was just a weird little thing that rattled me...i'm ok...ok?

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