kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Apr. 26, 2003

friday chat excerpts
2:08 a.m.

mkstyle57: but ya know, i have been looking at personals lately...

goose: yeah

mkstyle57: and some of those people sound nice actually, but they're the ones too shy to post pics....

mkstyle57: like me

goose: yeah...exactly

mkstyle57: i'm just waiting for the man of my dreams to walk into the store some day..i'm still waiting

goose: well, I'm sure there's more than one

mkstyle57: oh, yes! there's several men of my dreams...i'm just not the man of THEIR dreams!:-)

goose: yeah, I've never believed in the whole soulmate ideal

mkstyle57: that old story...

mkstyle57: oh, i do, in a way...

mkstyle57: but there can be more than one, maybe

mkstyle57: i've had 2 in my life

mkstyle57: one man, one woman

goose: it's a sort of nice ideal, although I also find it rather depressing. yes, I don't believe there's 1

mkstyle57: but i wasn't their soulmate

goose: then it's not soulmate

mkstyle57: no i disagree

mkstyle57: they were perfect for me, but i wasn't for them

goose: well, that doesn't fit the definition of soulmate--two people destined to be together

goose: soulmates are supposed to be a perfect match

mkstyle57: oh, i know...i just mean that it felt right for me...and it was close...

goose: I know that sort of thing...things feel so right

mkstyle57: but yes, that's the...legal definition, ha!

goose: but it's all wrong

goose: it's a mixed up world

mkstyle57: no, not even all wrong, just wrong enough that it can't work out

mkstyle57: and i dunno if i can go through that again...it almost killed me both times


mkstyle57: oh, sometimes i feel like by the time i finally get my (gay) act together, it's gonna be too late

mkstyle57: that sounds pathetic, sorry

goose: well, I would like to know the statistics, of how many gay couples actually grow old together, you know, I wouldn't think very many

mkstyle57: there's a few in town that i know of....it's nice to see... can't be much higher than the divorce rates...

mkstyle57: and when carole told me i was wasting my life (by not being...gay enough, or whatever) that really hurt

goose: there's nothing wrong with solitude, and "gay enough"...whatever. you're a great guy, you know

mkstyle57: shucks

mkstyle57: solitude, yes...but i deseve someone to cuddle with on the couch, watching some silly movie....

mkstyle57: but i impose restrictions on myself, too, i have to make things happen, i guess

mkstyle57: blah

mkstyle57: but if i'm a failure at being "typically gay"...i dont mind, ha!

goose: yeah, a good thing to fail at, imo

mkstyle57: i never was typical at anything anyway

mkstyle57: so i guess i'm just being myself!

goose: that's the best thing to be


Boy56: My friend did some tarot card readings for me

Boy56: I don't believe in it at all

mkstyle57: ah, tarot...fun, but yeah...silly

Boy56: but what came out of it was that I would have to live my life not having a lot and learn to enjoy what I had was the lesson that is set out for me

mkstyle57: yeah, but the next reading could be totally different...

Boy56: She told me I also in a past life was the model for David

mkstyle57: oh, boy

mkstyle57: yeah, well i was michaelangelo...

Boy56: yeah

Boy56: LOL

mkstyle57: you were posing for me

mkstyle57: but i didn't pay you

mkstyle57: took it out in trade

Boy56: LOL

mkstyle57: i think this is my first life...

Boy56: this is close to my last

Boy56: I have one more to go

Boy56: or at least that is what my friend told me

Boy56: I have to get it somewhat right

mkstyle57: i dunno if we ever do...that's the cosmic joke

Boy56: yeah

mkstyle57: god has a sense of humor!

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