kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, May. 06, 2003

up too late again
12:06 p.m.

i'm a good listener...it's what i do, sometimes... i speak up when needed.

leave the driving to us...it's the real thing...

need to be at work in 5 minutes...

"step on the gas and wipe that tear away....one sweet dream...came true...today..."


3:50 p.m.

i'm learning some british teen-speak from a sweet "boy"... (literally...he's jailbait in these parts!) and an old friend with a new diary is influencing me to be a bit more cryptic and mysterious in entries....so i may do so, at least today.

"whelm" means the same thing as "overwhelm", but i don't think anyone uses it..."underwhelm" isn't in any of my dictionaries.

you KNOW i always forget my real age...i'd rather hang out with those full of piss and vinegar and hopes and dreams, as opposed to the old farts...i won't lay a finger on you...unless it's a real emergency. some people you can hug, and others only need a "hihowyadoin'?". i CAN tell the difference, ok?

the cat is sleeping with me again, he was in a real mood the last week or two.

"fuck...shit". sex and violence....is it the new you? or was that you all along? what's changed, and what's the same? (i'm sure they don't ALL hate you, they don't even know you. ah, but who does?)

funny how the more answers you get, the more questions are raised.

IS there such a thing as an "intellegent failure"?

i'm looking foward to anything and everything...ok?

let's meet in dylan's "historical parking lot in sunburned california".


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