kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, May. 05, 2003

are friends electric?
2:43 a.m.

an emotional day here to say the least.

work? it was...work.

email from across the ocean...a beautiful soul. (and yer mates ain't too shabby either, ace!)

a lunch-time IM chat, quick but worth every minute. (what's with me and the brits this week?)

tonight...chat, chat, phone, chat. (1700 east main st., u.s.a., can ya dig it?) i love ya like the _____ i never had. (there's NO right answer.)

gossip, speculation, file sharing...reading between the lines between the lines...

almost moved to tears by new words from an old friend...i said "it sounds like you had a breakdown OR a breakthrough....i'm just not sure which."


a welcome return...

goose: hi

mkstyle57: where ya been, boy?

goose: I've been here, my computer was down for a bit...

mkstyle57: was wondering

mkstyle57: thought u joined a cult

mkstyle57: you were missed

goose: I'm not too religious, or one to join into that sort of thing

mkstyle57: yes, i know

goose: why on earth would I be missed?

mkstyle57: oh, pleeze


saw rob's smiling face twice today.

got a nice thank-you note for contributing towards the purchase of a weeping cherry tree in memory of a friends' brother who died unexpectedly.

"life turns on a dime." fuck, what movie IS that from?

it FEELS like i've been crying, but it's just sheer exaustion.

friends come in many forms...if i had to depend on the real world ALL the time, i'd be in big trouble.

downloaded a version of "we're desperate" by pennywise (with exene!) that ALMOST out-rocks the original...almost!

would you like to play with my balls? click HERE. (don't be afraid...TOUCH 'em!)

goodnight, and good morning. - michael

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