kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, May. 08, 2003

just another entry
8:03 p.m.

i don't know if any of you saw this...it only did 2.4%...

he's back to sleeping in the crook of my arm again....ok, back in a bit, survivor's on, and i think i missed the last 2 weeks!


9:34 p.m.

oh, heidi, you DUMB BITCH!

"i've been the mastermind behind half of the schemes that have gone on here!"

rob and matthew: *confused looks of disbelief*

much "oy!" looks from the jury members...

i didn't know you could shoot yourself in the foot while it was firmly planted in your mouth. if she hadn't said that, i think rob would have been outta there. too much silicone and peroxide, perhaps...


from last night:

mkstyle57: oh, something funny on letterman tonight

mkstyle57: david hyde pierce was on, from frasier

goose: oh yeah

mkstyle57: and i think everybody knows he's gay, but he never talks about it

goose: uh huh

mkstyle57: and when he came out, the band played the beatles' "you've got to hide your love away"...oh wait...hide/hyde...haha NOT how i percieved it...just got it

mkstyle57: duh

mkstyle57: but still..

goose: how funny!

mkstyle57: works both ways



mkstyle57: oh, i had a dream about you this morning

mkstyle57: but it's fuzzy

mkstyle57: you were mad at me

goose: I was? tell me more!

mkstyle57: think it was a backstage scenario

mkstyle57: i woke up and it was vivid, but now...might come to me...i had four half-gallons of ice cream that i had to take home before they melted

mkstyle57: i think i made you miss your cue to go onstage or something....a play i think

mkstyle57: whatever

goose: haha. damn distraction! that's funny

mkstyle57: yeah, no deep meaning i think, just like that other dream...just a weird setting

goose: yeah, dreams...gotta love them though. I forgot mine last night...I felt so lethargic


11;12 p.m.

this is "the poisoned well" by quasi...

You only hurt the one you love
That may be true
But better said, you only hurt the one who loves you

We went through hell
Just to get to hell
Die of thirst or drink up from the poisoned well

I kept the things inside
At least I never lied
I'm not trying to document my suicide

You won't live long
But you may write the perfect song
Please excuse those who choose to not play along

"Sort of this and sort of that, the charming duo of Sam Coomes (Elliott Smith band, Heatmeiser) and Janet Weiss (Sleater-Kinney) manufacture one hundred per cent unpredictability and self-doubting fun. Carnivalesque organs, seaside guitars, plaintive harmonies along with Weiss's copyrighted snap-shuffle-rock drums are all employed in the name of good time introspection."
- village voice

ha! and they USED to be married, just like meg and jack! (THAT could explain those lyrics...)

THIS is a cool quasi site... after you hit enter, touch the vertical grey bar on the left for lots of info...

ok, that's it for now...much love to all of you getting out of school soon...have a bitchin' summer!

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