kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, May. 10, 2003

1:04 a.m.

ok, this is what i like...i turned steve onto rob's diary. and trevor's diary. and derwin's diary. and alvie's. (EVERYBODY reads alvie!) i got derwin into trevor's diary. and gaygamer reads him. and maybe i got jaspie to read kieran, haha, i'm not sure. and trevor's checking out steve's diary...but has he read derwin's? and kieran, you should look at trevor's...AND derwin's. trevor and kieran are on my faves list, and i'm on theirs. trevor said "Good guy, kind of takes the role of counselor." aww, nice...at least no one's called me a pimp! and i'm gonna add derwin, as soon as i find the right words. but some people have me on their faves...people i don't know that well...i guess some people automatically add someone who adds them...but i have to get into the diary first.

all the little dots...connecting. it's cool. (i'm sure i forgot SOME connection there...)


saw the libertines AND the yeah yeah yeah's tonight on tv....hmmm. none of these bands are knocking me out. the ravonettes e.p. was boring!

god, i have to get up in 5 hrs. i was in such a cycle during vacation of staying up till 6 a.m., sleeping till noon, still kinda in that mode a bit.

speaking of which, last night...in bed with my headset on, cat sleeping in my arms...talking to steve till 4 a.m. ahh, let's see, what did we figure out? sometimes it's the journey, not the destination? the process, not the result? (maybe that's backwards, i'm not sure yet.) life is nothing but change, restructuring, and, oh, i dunno...hope?

maybe i'm just full of shit. "counselor"? like i said the other night, i'm a good listener, and sometimes that's a way to help people counsel themselves.

empty rooms...lora's moved into her new house, her and her man gonna go get hitched in tahoe soon. so weird that her store/house is empty...i helped move every stick of furniture in there...and about 2 tons of vintage clothing!

and judi's next door will be empty soon.

today goose's dorm room is empty, so is his bedroom at home, but he'll be there soon. if his folks go for it, i'm gonna give him the truck....if pop wants to take on the challenge it presents. i can't get shit for it, and he needs wheels, cuz he's gonna be the musical dierctor of a show around here this summer. we'll see what happens.

oh, and the 4 empty rooms of the heart...yep, full of shit, that's me!

some people can't accept compliments, but i thrive on it! attention...praise, i guess it just depends on your point of view...and how you view yourself. if you have a gift, appreciate it! (that's going out to SEVERAL people tonight.)

oh, i have a few more notes here, but they can wait...
love ya, (and nitey-nite)...
- michael

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