kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, May. 20, 2003

3:50 p.m.

well, home for lunch again...i should be making out some bills, but i'll wait till tonight so i can go see if there's any more waiting for me in my p.o. box.

first of all, i need to send congratulations to a dear friend who got some very good news today...you're my brave little soldier, and don't you forget it! love ya, boy!

this past week, at work, i had someone writing a check ask me what month it was...AND the other day a guy was filling out the test question on a western union form and asked me how to spell "hair"...ooookay.

looking for queen songs one night on kazaa, i found that golden oldie "bohemian rap city"...i wonder what month it is in THAT person's world?

andy from texas has decided he wants a boyfriend...i should drop by his guestbook and let him know that when he moves to oregon to go to law school he'll only be about 400 miles away...that's not too far for stalking, is it? he told steve i was "mean"! i guess because i asked him some questions about god....questions that i know he couldn't answer. hey you can be a christian and still suck dick, i don't care. i lost that picture of him that made me so dizzy, and he sure wouldn't sent it to me now! a nice boy actually shorter than me...ha! that's all i really want...

the other day steve left me a phone message from cedar point, the amusement park he went to...that was sweet. on the way home they stopped at quaker steak and lube... i guess you can eat lunch AND get your car serviced...go take a look...it's cool.

i was kind of surprised nobody commented on that wrestling picture here...i thought a few of the "bois" out there would enjoy the unintended sexual subtext. perhaps a second look is called for?

goose's dad may be interested in the truck...more on that story as it develops...and the goose himself might stop by the store this weekend! i think i'm gonna have to poke him to see if he's real! i DO wanna lay eyes on him before i meet the folks...i was wondering if his dad is more clint eastwood or ozzie nelson...i actually found a picture of his dad online, doing what he does for a living...he looks more like an ozzie.

do any of you kids know who ozzie nelson even IS? *sigh*...showing my age again...hey, if that picture of yours truly didn't scare you off the other night, i guess nothing will!

ok, back to this thing i call "life"...

oh, and thanks for all the nice comments about the new look...i'm gonna TRY to keep it simple and uncluttered. we'll see...

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