kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 23, 2003

gentleman farmer
2:01 a.m.

i drove the truck for the first time in ages today. went to a couple different places looking for plants for the garden. the truck sounds and runs fine, considering it's been sitting for 2 months...oh, i start it up every so often...but it felt so weird, i'm sure used to the geo now. i was reaching in the wrong place for the door handle, and the odometer is on the left, that looked so...wrong.

here's what i planted today:

green zucchini

yellow zucchini


red mustard greens


bush peas

pak choi


string beans

i had to start the yellow zucchini and the beans from seeds cuz i'm getting such a late start.

oh, and i also put some italian parsley in pots on the patio where i do the herbs.

got some steer manure to boost the soil a bit. the whole thing took a couple hours from start to finish, but i'm just glad it's done...i think i got a good variety of stuff this year.

i put some gas in the truck, and as i pulled out the tailgate came open and i thought some of the plants might have fallen out...i pulled over, but the old lady behind me needed to turn into the alley i was stopped in front of...cars were lining up behind her as i ran out and put the tailgate back up...in 30 seconds there was quite a traffic jam! and no plants fell out...

there was a guy running a forklift at one of the nurseries i stopped at, and he had a really bad rendering of beavis and butthead tattooed on his calf....god, it was ugly, just blue lines, not filled in with color or anything...gross.

and i drove by a little first-grader who tripped on the sidewalk and landed on his ass...oh god, did i laugh! he wasn't hurt or anything, but it was SO slapstick...

after everything was planted and watered i laid out on the grass in the back part of the back yard...out there in my little future redwood grove (the trees are still small, but in a few years....wow!) i was tearing out grass and rolling it into little balls and throwing them at the cat...he was getting so frustrated cuz by the time the grass balls reached him they kind of fell apart and there was nothing to play with...and there were some crows or some kind of big birds making a real ruckus in the trees and buddy was going nuts...they were really loud.!

tonight: catching up on magazines...buddy sleeping on top of me while i'm stretched out on the couch...went to burger king tonight...a real rarity these days. and who do i see on the way there? it's rob, riding his bike up 7th. street and being all healthy and shit...god, i really need to get MY bike fixed, i think it's a 5-minute job...BK was good, it's only my 3rd time this year..."but your second time this month?" rob asked. i called him a FUCKER...haha!

so that was my day, not bad considering i got up at 11 a.m., played on the computer for a while, had a spank, (no wait, maybe that was last night?) and didn't get out of the house until around 2 p.m. i would have burned a pile of papers and old magazines (can't burn after noon) but it was a no-burn day...cuz of the wind i guess...

tomorrow: MUST MAKE OUT BILLS! then to the mall for new work pants, new shoes, and i'm gonna get the model #'s of those $$$$ glasses frames...i'm gonna see if i can find them cheaper online...sneaky, huh?

somebody drop me a line, i'm bored...

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