kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 23, 2003

friday night
11:12 p.m.

my boy likes to play ROUGH...

and daddy LIKES it!

bought 2 new pair of shoes, 2 new white shirts, new pants....108 bucks. one pair of shoes are cool black suede skechers...they're called "groovers" or "groovy"...the box says both.

sore as hell from all the digging and planting and bending over yesterday...slept later than i wanted again. dozed on the couch to the sounds of the worst movie ever..."nothing but trouble", this dan akroyd masterpiece...have you ever seen it? i can't even describe it, if you know it, you know what i mean.

just posted a new page over at grab-bag...always turns out interesting. richard sent me something to put in there, but that's not how it works...i usually click on a banner, find something cool there, then go to that diary's faves list and click on a name that sounds intriguing...i just keep doing that untill i have about 14-15 excerpts. if the diary has a copyright thingy on it, i don't use it.

oh, and rob wrote the coolest entry yesterday, please go check it out here...

back to work tomorrow...i need to burn a cd for the goose in case he pops into the store this weekend...(i found something with rickie lee jones on it i'm SURE he hasn't found yet...she's his favorite at the moment, i think. honestly, that boy is amazing...)

how exciting...maybe i'll get goosebumps!

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