kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jun. 27, 2003

friday already...*sigh*
1:47 a.m.

the NATIONAL DO NOT CALL REGISTRY is up and running! you can go there and register to get telemarketers off your back! (it may take a minute to connect, i imagine they're pretty busy!)

matt, a.k.a. dancemonkey just sent me a picture for the cribs page, go check it out...the boy's got real style. i spotted the eggers book on his desk, that was funny. i need to read it again...s-l-o-w-l-y. oh, and he's got bamboo growing in test tubes, that's so cool. and you can't really see it, but that little jar says "college fund".

matt and i had a nice long chat...i might have a lead on a job for him. i saved our chat (i save ALL my chats...i'm writing a book someday, haha!) and he uses a black background with red and blue fonts, so it has that 3-d floating effect, and the whole saved chat looks like that...it's funny. oh, and he tried to go look at my photogra page, and it just sends him to the home page...so i sent him an invite from there. it goes right to my pictures for ME...i've had more trouble with that link...roadiepig, help!

went down to the waterfront with rob...boat basin, boardwalk...there's a boat that takes a tour of the bay...the madaket...

we should do that sometime, it's fun. we were looking back at town from the bay, and everything looks so different from that angle. and once you're out on the bay, it's even more noticeable. i took a few pictures today. i sure wish i had a digital...ahh, but if everyone did, i'd be out of a job!

i see the RIAA is planning to go after kazaa...they say they plan on issuing "several hundred" lawsuits...to people who really have a lot of files...i dunno what's gonna happen there. guess i'd better start burning some more cd's, just in case. it figures, soon as i get into it...

and i went to listen to some of my MSN stations the other day, and now most of them are "plus" stations that you have to pay for! that sucks, i had a real nice set-up there. fuckers.

strom thurmond died...100 yrs. old. i forget, was he, like, against gay people?

and i guess everybody's probably buttfucking in texas tonight...oh, what a headline that would have made: "SUPREME COURT: FUDGEPACKING A-OK WITH US!"

a friend of mine is having trouble with his guestbook, it won't post messages. but the funny thing is that the link that says "back to my site" takes you to a different porn site every time you click it! he swears he doesn't know how that got there...

hmmm, is that all? i guess so...oh, wait, you have to see this...hold on...

third from the left...it's belinda carlisle, early '77. in a garbage bag dress. big deal, sheila made one of those! here's a quote from ms. go-go:

"that's when they put together the germs - i think my name was dottie danger. i was the drummer although i never actually played. then i got really sick with mononucleosis, and had to go home and live with my parents, which is basically why i didn't do it."

the picture and quote are from lexicon devil:
the fast times and short life of darby crash and the germs

if you're gay, a punk, or a gay punk, you should get this book!

but ya know, belinda's a real glamour girl now...her playboy pics were really beautiful, kind of a 50's pin-up/chinese theme...

oh, my gosh, BOOBIES, on MY page! that's one playboy i'm not giving to rob...

ok, all you straight boys...enjoy!

i've STILL got the beat...michael

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