kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jun. 26, 2003

kinda klose kall for kitty!
12:17 a.m.

sleeping very odd hours this week.

my friend doug is coming up in july, and harriet might come with him!

first chats today with matt and kieran. one just down the road, one half a world away. one straight, one...bent! one's only 17, the other is...only 17. i was a good boy.

a while ago i heard the cat's bell ringing outside, so i went out to call him. he was across the street, (BAD kittai!) and as he came running OF COURSE a truck comes barreling down the street. oh, it wasn't really close, but it still shook me up. the truck was moving in the same direction as the cat, coming down towards the corner...oh, it's weird, i don't really live on a corner, it's more of an "L"...

new names for the cat? why, of course.

sugar heart...

booper pants...

and stretchy boy.

vacation is flying by...i made a pretty good dent in cleaning yesterday. i took rob some more mags to sell on ebay. i forgot to mention that i took old mags to work last week. they gobble 'em up and take 'em home. i took about 3 or 4 bags over a few days, and, being anal, i weighed them...64 lbs. total! it's not that much, really...a couple of stacks.

i'm working on a new diary project, i just need to find one more component to get it ready...2 people who have seen it thought it was cool. i colorized an old black and white photo for that project, and it fooled rob! course, it's pretty small, but it looks good. more on that later.

ok, i have to go vote for something...heehee!

i misss my nose-in-the-textbooks-burning-the-midnight-oil buddy...we'll talk soon.

love, michael

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