kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jul. 04, 2003

da fourth
1:27 p.m.

here's a picture i did of rob...i took the photo last week and played with it last night...

i'm glad andrew keeps us updated with news stuff, but most of the time i have no idea what the fuck he's talking about. he IS adding some new goodie this weekend...hmmm.

long chat with matteo last night...showed him a bunch of pictures...self-portraits, art, etc. i have something really hilarious to show him, but it must wait until september, on his birthday. he liked one of my business cards, and said if it didn't have all the text on it it would make great wallpaper...well, i DID have a big one with no writing, so i beamed it to him and he stuck it on the desktop of his WIRELESS LAPTOP! that made me feel good. i sent him a few more, he thought they were cool.

changes at work...people leaving, people coming back, new faces. more on that later...i have to get back...making double-time-and-a-half today!

hopefully steve's gonna call me from ohio tonight...we NEED to catch up.

might climb up on the roof to watch fireworks tonight, if i don't fall asleep first, still keeping very late hours.

ok, will probably add to this entry tonight...stay tuned.

11:18 p.m.

ahh, took a nap, phone rang twice, rob, then steve...who i talked to for a few minutes, we're gonna have a long talk tomorrow. then rob called back and we talked, too.

i'm pooped, will write tomorrow.

love and kisses, michael

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