kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Aug. 01, 2003

i'm back
5:32 p.m.

ha, i KNEW that hiatus wouldn't last too long.

eye exam today, picked out 2 new pair of glasses.

doug and harriet arriving soon, they called from the road, stuck in traffic for reggae on the river! i forgot about that. hippies, tie-dye...i told doug not to roll down the windows and inhale.

doug and i are going down to sheila's for dinner...i'll take some pics.

emailed phu, cuz i have an old issue of STUFF with his girl kylie on the cover...there's an interview and more pics inside. gonna mail it to him monday...

long chat with a new friend the other night....i thanked him for his openness, but he said it was just a good talk. i beg to differ, it was more than that. chat really levels out the playing field...in the real world we would probably not be able to hang out much, but online...i dunno, it's different. but...a birthday lunch is on me, and i will keep my hands to myself, haha!

i sent some people flowers today...

i hope they look that good.

sheila is such an awsome cook, i can't wait! and her cousin is a friend of matteo's, that was funny. small world, smaller town.

and...i'm just as doofy as the next guy, right matt? damn, i snooze, i loose! who knew? THIS daddy is available, ok?

the phone should be ringing any minute...it's gonna be a great night!

i love all you sexy bitches! - michael

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