kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Aug. 04, 2003

the one about the butane...
10:24 p.m.

hey, go see what phu did for me...nice guy, that phu...

i went and dug this up...i forgot to tell y'all about it when it happened a few weeks ago, and didn't want to write it all out again. the little search puppy thingy helped me find it...all i had to do was type in "butane"! good doggie...

DrTreble: We went to Safeway like we always do lately, and when we came outside there were kids asking us if we were 21, because they wanted us to buy them alcohol

DrTreble: None of us were 21, so we said no, and then when we drove out of the parking lot we called the police and told them kids were begging for alcohol in front of safeway

mkaro1: haha

mkaro1: well, i have a similar story

DrTreble: from today?

mkaro1: the other night, these kids were hanging out in front of the store..

DrTreble: mmhmm

mkaro1: the new girl heard they were trying to get someone to buy them a can of butane

DrTreble: ok

mkaro1: she turned down some older kids cuz you have to be 18...

DrTreble: ok

DrTreble: like you have to be 18 to buy whipped cream! haha

mkaro1: well, later an adult came to me and bought some butane, he went out the door and then came right back in without it..

DrTreble: ok

mkaro1: so i went outside and these 3 skater boys were walking away...

mkaro1: i sad "hey, c'mere a minute"..the big kid had the butane in his hand....he said "i didn't steal anything"

DrTreble: lol

mkaro1: i said "i know! but this is illegal for you to have" and grabbed it out of his hand!

DrTreble: haha

mkaro1: i started walking back into the store..and this einstein said "hey, but i want my money back!" i said come on in the store and talk to the manager!

mkaro1: he started to follow me, but i think he realized it was stupid

DrTreble: hahaha

DrTreble: thats funny

mkaro1: so we made $2.50 and got the stuff back so we can sell it again! haha, the boss was tickled

DrTreble: funny

mkaro1: i was a macho man...that kid was big

mkaro1: we were laughing all night about that..."i want my money back!"

DrTreble: I can't believe you have to be 18 to buy whipped cream!

mkaro1: haha, yes you can get high on it

DrTreble: I know, but it's still dumb!!!

mkaro1: the same with spray paint

mkaro1: and some places you can't buy big markers cuz of graffitti

DrTreble: So, if I came to you wanting to buy whipped cream, would you sell it to me?

mkaro1: yes

mkaro1: we dont do that about whipped cream, i never heard it at work

mkaro1: why, need some?

DrTreble: lol

DrTreble: no

DrTreble: Would you sell me spray paint?

mkaro1: we don't carry it, so ha!

DrTreble: how about a big marker?

mkaro1: yes

DrTreble: lol

mkaro1: you can't buy a lighter tho

DrTreble: you wouldn't sell me a lighter?

mkaro1: see, that we ask for ID

DrTreble: you wouldn't sell me a lighter?

DrTreble: sheesh!

mkaro1: can't do it, kid

DrTreble: haha

DrTreble: get fired?

mkaro1: register asks me if customer is old enough, no shit

DrTreble: funny

mkaro1: if it was a set-up by the atf we could get fined

mkaro1: they send kids into stores all the time to try to buy smokes

mkaro1: you're gonna get carded for years, baby-face:-)

DrTreble: Funny

DrTreble: On my 18th b-day I am buying cigs, porn, and lotto tickets

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