kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Aug. 25, 2003

I'M skipping school, ok?
10:53 a.m.

"honk" was sooo good saturday night...the best one yet. the audience was very much into it, and the cast was really projecting. i heard lines and jokes i missed before. we gave 'em a standing o.

just as he promised me, branden was extra evil, and he was really great in the final scene, when they gang up on him. he knew his goose was cooked! like i said, i'm really gonna miss that naughty cat.

introduced sheila to jr, and we had a nice chat with branden, too.

it's funny, last week meeting jr was like meeting someone famous or something...haha! i mean i was a bit nervous or something, and on saturday it was just...more like i really know him.

we talked to bryeon, who played the lead...sheila told him she had wanted to get up there and give him a hug, and he said "well, you can hug me NOW!". so she did. and outside i told him he made me cry...he said "oh, i'm sorry!" that was funny.

i DID get a kiss on main street, but it was an old friend, not a new one...damn, and i was SO ready to stir some shit, too...oh well. i guess the honeymoon ISN'T over yet...

oh, and reen was great again...queenie the cat was so saucy and sexy...i think that girl could convert me...for a weekend, at least. she's sooo my type, so much like my 2 ex's...

HA! yeah, i think i wanna get really inappropriate and weird...i wanna start wearing punk bondage pants and chase 18-year old girls...THAT would confuse everybody.

school starts today for a lot of people...rob, matty, steve...

one day rob came in the store and i said "hi, baby boy!" oh, the look on his face! sorry steve, i won't do it again...

steve and i had a long phone call last night, he had an interesting weekend...hmmm, yes. he's been very...poetic lately, some good stuff.

when i pulled into the driveway saturday night, there was buddy waiting for me...with his friend the skunk! they were just sitting there, but as soon as i got out of the car, the skunk got up, raised his tail, and ducked under the house. i found an interesting website about cats and skunks HERE. i guess skunks would rather run from a conflict that spray, but i'm not that interested in getting to know the little critter! and i need to stop leaving the door to the garage open, because if the cat can get in, i guess the skunk could too, and i don't wanna come home and find it sitting in the living room! it's my fault i guess, for leaving food out for the cat on the porch...so, we just need to make a few changes, and everything should be cool.

wow, the sky was so clear last night...i went out back to look for mars around 2am, and i saw one really bright red star...but i SWEAR it vanished soon after that, and NOT just behind a tree...and i saw another red light that was moving kind of erratically, i don't know what the hell that was...i got a bit spooked, actually.

i've walked 131 miles this month so far, i'm really getting into it. im down 15 lbs. since january. i'm gonna be skinny this winter and find someone to keep me warm...

interested parties can apply through the usual channels.

i'd like to be somebody's first time....for SOMETHING.

more of a top than a bottom.

mutual reacharound ok.

hickeys ok.

close your eyes, i don't give a damn...i'm more than willing to dabase myself a bit to get what i want.


and everytime i say i'm being a good boy, that's for the former ms. crotty...ok, hon?

i'd better go...before i "say something i regret". the good doctor knows what i mean...

love ya, michael

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