kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003

saturday stuff...
6:32 p.m.

when i give buddy a bowl of dry food up on the
top level of his tower...

we call that "crunchies in the penthouse", ok?

hmmm, i just heard something fall in the garage...and here comes the cat, looking very guilty of SOMETHING, with cobwebs on his ears...the naughty boy.

oh, i left something in someone's gbook yesterday...i had just woken up, and i think i had a few good lines in it, so here it is...

"ah, yes, nothing is constant except change...oh, and how i love it when you speak cryptic..when i do it, i get a little thrill knowing there's a chance the message ISN'T received. some of the boys of summer may not make it through to fall, it seems...there's things he just doesn't know yet. sometimes you have to leave the nest even though those feathers are warm and familiar...those eggs SUCKED! now i have someone to talk to...it only took three years to say thank you. pizza sounds good. a keyboard would be delicious. the nights of the round table, i suppose. i just saw your face, how funny. "look at him...." i just woke from a nap, so i THINK i'm all lucid and clever and shit. how long can this go on? in a gb i mean? or...? and how ARE things in your neck of the pond? who will fly south for the winter? "this dot marks your location..." you are here. and please don't put a hat on the bed...oooh, that's the only one that really bothers me. i step on the cracks so i don't have to look at them. if he "got" me , i could get him. i'm lucky that's a big fat no. burn down the mission, right? and living well is the best revenge. learning to fly. what a year it's been...i can't wait for the light to go down. see you tomorrow."

hmmm, well, yes...i think that line about the cracks was kind of inspired...and it was supposed to be "i can't wait for the LIGHTS to go down", but i like it better the way it came out.

heading down to ferndale in an hour, me and sheila are gonna see "honk" one more time....why not? hope i get a chance to talk to branden. should i take my camera again? i never know if it's obnoxious or not...AFTER the show i mean, not DURING!

i'm chatting with matty right now, and he's giving me some ideas for some audience participation i could engage in tonight...we'll see...HAHA!

oh, and jaspie sent me a picture for the cribs page, check it out...and phu posted a picture of his new desk, so i replaced his previous cribs shot with that...looks good, phu!

ok, gotta run...
much love, michael

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