kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003

mr. sleepyboy...
8:18 a.m.

i was working on some art tonight...all was quiet.

a few minutes later i was trying to fix one of those stage lights i worked on for matt, they weren't showing up right on his page. i just don't get it, the image keeps moving out of alignment when i reverse it. it looks ok, but then it isn't...grrr!

in the middle of that, steve messages me, looking for a good quote about "hope"...i found a couple of quote sites for him. oh, you should see that heart puzzle he made for danny...it's beautiful!

i mean, all of a sudden, i had all these windows going. it was crazy!

i like to help people when i can. the other night matt needed a fix with one of his pictures, and i had it done in about a minute and a half!

i'm good at some things...others i can't figure out.

yeah, i changed the colors...deal with it, as matt says, haha! and i changed my picture, even though SOMEONE thought i looked damn sexy in thug/gangsta mode...

mr. gadfly had to take down his gbook, he was getting threats or something...how creepy.

i'm VERY horny this week, so...be careful what you say...HA!

i missed travis by a few minutes tonight over at AWC, what a shame...that boy is a sweetheart. VERY deep. a liitle bird DID tell me he had a date tonight...one lucky girl, i'd say.

some people truly ARE bi, ya know...it's not always a holding pattern on the way to coming out.

me? i think i'm about, oh, let's say...89% gay, how's that sound?

i haven't been to bed yet...what's up with that? i'm gonna grab the cat and neil young and lay down.

rich, thanks for the chats.


goodnight, good morning, whatever...

- michael

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