kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003

some quotes...
11:02 p.m.

"i can see the use and value of religion, just as i can
see the use of mud-wrestling, yoga, astronomy and
sado-masochism. but i reject the idea that you can't be a 'deep' human being without it or any of them. so are they all 'of equal value'? well, some are more universal than others, which means there's more conversation about them to share, which means that they present themselves with more ready-made meanings and resonances. but 'more' isn't necessarily better -
for some meanings 'switch off' others. so 'more' can mean 'overspecified' and 'rigid', which is why someone might want to base a spiritual life round motorbikes rather than catholicism. it's open territory, with all the freedoms and improvisations that implies. THE ACT OF CONFERRING VALUE BELONGS TO YOU.

- brian eno,
a year with swollen appendices: brian eno's diary

(emphasis mine)


someboy: you're coming with me to the bathroom
mkaro1: ok
someboy: we're walking now
mkaro1: best offer i've had in a while
someboy: I'm on the toilet
mkaro1: you have a strap on computer?
mkaro1: oh boy
someboy: no
someboy: no strap
mkaro1: straptop
someboy: ahh....I just blew my nose
someboy: lol
mkaro1: haha you're typing with penis?
someboy: yeah
someboy: lol
someboy: I'm good at it, huh?
mkaro1: yes, but can you reach the top keys?
someboy: haha
someboy: no
mkaro1: god
mkaro1: some people really love their computers i guess
someboy: lol
mkaro1: can't leave it for a second
mkaro1: be nice, wipe twice

* * * * * * * * * *

mkaro1: still on the toilet?
someboy: ya
mkaro1: hot
mkaro1: not
someboy: lol
mkaro1: what ARE you doing?
mkaro1: just relaxing?
someboy: do you REALLY want to know?
mkaro1: prob not
mkaro1: don't forget the wizard country meadow spray
someboy: eww
someboy: lol
mkaro1: they need to make a swing arm thing attached to toilet to put laptop on
mkaro1: adjustable
someboy: nah
someboy: I sat it on the counter
mkaro1: dont bump it
mkaro1: (lands in toilet)
someboy: I was sitting on the toilet
someboy: lol
mkaro1: yeah but when you get up, be careful....warranty doesn't cover poo in hard drive
someboy: I'm already back in the living room
mkaro1: oh good


"i usually go to bisex room but am not bisexual really, just kinda fell into that room and that's one thing i don't like about it, straight curious married men... they like being watched hehee but don't want to admit it and if you try to say hi to some of them they run off lol"


and here, in it's entireity, is a conversation from last night with matty...

DrTrebleMaker: hello
mkaro1: hey
DrTrebleMaker: How are you?
mkaro1: been out walking
DrTrebleMaker: fun
mkaro1: yes
DrTrebleMaker: you lost 20 pounds today, eh?
mkaro1: not quite
mkaro1: clouds were low and moving very fast, it was eerie


haha, whatever!

goodnight, all...


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