kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003

entry #353
12:24 p.m.

wow, it's been a while...for ME, haha!

been chatting alot with philly rob, a great guy. we have so much in common...musical tastes, etc. damn, pity we can't hang out for real.

the weather here has been freaky, very hot for this time of year. i was telling matt the other day...global warming....the ocean's rising...and i can't swim!

and those clouds the other night...they were very low, and just racing across the sky. that was the night i really walked all over town...went by the muni, where primus was playing, but the show hadn't started yet.

went to see deadwood dick thursday night...a funny western melodrama. a small crowd, i counted 28 people. some funny lines, but a lot of it seemed rushed, perhaps because it was so fucking COLD in there! and some of those barroom floozies weren't wearing much!

jr played piano all through the show, he did a great job. we chatted for a few minutes after. he looked so cute in his black suit and hat....like a...i dunno, a sexy amish boy, haha! sorry kid.

i taped the mail slot in my front door shut, cuz last year the trick or treaters were trying to look in. i had the porch light off last night and just hung out in here...maybe 6 or 7 knocks total.

last night i was trying to decide if i was gonna have a BK pig-out to finish off the month...as i was coming out of the p.o., there was this homeless guy looking for ciggie butts on the ground with a flashlight...he was mumbling to himself, and i heard him say "gonna go get a hamburger...". so i DID!

ok, back in a few, not done yet...

here's my favorite new stamp...


oh, and in the play, wild bill hickock had a bit of an acorn...and that boy in the red shirt was...something.

it never ends.

a young friend invited me to come down and have a drink with him at the bar across the street from his place down in old town...on a wednesday, dollar pabst blue ribbon...oh, don't worry, i won't have a REAL drink, i would certainly end up saying or doing something i shouldn't...i told him what i'd really like to do is smoke some pot...it's been a loooong time. he said, "oh, i could help you with that!" well, i KNEW that. we'll see what happens....that bar is a bit of a dive, it might be fun.

a little innocent playtime would be fun, though, and long overdue. maybe he'd like to get on cam sometime! oh, i'm just running bullshit scenarios through my head, don't mind me.

matty won 250 bucks at the casino last night! it was his first time there, too. i really wanna go sometime, with some money set aside that if i lose it, no biggie. hmm, maybe when my piggie bank is full of quarters...it's getting real heavy.

oh, and everyone go read phu-pham's latest...he went out last night as SANTA! what a nutcase! he gave a cute checkout girl his number, and she called him later...
i love that boy's diary, he's so good at getting down every little detail...and always lots of great pictures!

i hope the lovely miss reen didn't overdo it last night....

oh, and clare, thanks for the halloween card! been meaning to say that for a few weeks, d'oh!

i'm ready to have some fun. i wanna go down to the boardwalk, stoned and giggling, and be hypnotized by the lights dancing on the water...

"i'll replace your drunk old man, sit in the parking lot and hold your hand..."

i'd better stop here before i get too sappy...

- michael

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