kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003

i'm not perfect, but i'm perfect for you...
11:24 p.m.

too tired to write much...a weird week in a way...nothing big or earth-shattering.


i hate selling booze to people at 9 am.

burned a cd for a funeral last night...it was an emergency job, found 7 out of 9 songs they wanted...the husband of a friend of a co-worker died in a logging accident.

saw jean last week at work, the friend who moved here in january... it's been about 20 years! we're gonna hook up soon, she has a "project" in mind for me, she does a little performance art on the side...i have no idea what she has in mind, i'm ready for anything.

a song elliott smith did for his next album is called "see you in heaven"...hmmm.

i'm trying hard not to be cynical about people....people in general. it's sure hard sometimes.

made banana cinnamon pecan waffles tonight.

things the cat likes:

chocolate (i KNOW it's supposed to be bad, but just a little bit once in a while seems to make him very happy.)


fried egg

french fries

and now, waffles!

he seems to really like salty stuff, is that weird?

listening to richard hell tonight, i thought, "oh, the voidoiods! now THERE'S a band neil young should have recorded with!"

matty got his coupons in the mail...haha, the kids dig denny's, ya know? i've got LOTS more to send him.

steve, i got you a cool little antique atlas yesterday, i think you'll love it.

a nice girl put me on her faves list and said "interesting... in a sarcasticly honest and ironic kinda way?"

i can live with that....golly, there's some people who put me on their lists that i'm not really familiar with...i'm late with a few thank-you's...

my lesbian boss is gonna be leaving soon...and casey is leaving in january, not june...he got approved for housing in berkeley earlier than he expected...oh that bums me out bad...i wanna have SOME kind of fun with him before he leaves...walk around old town at night, oh, i dunno...he's back tomorrow, i need to kick that whole thing up a notch...i'm really gonna miss him.

philly rob...THAT just keeps getting better..."scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen"...that's the smiths.

i'll never find someone that cool around here...

no, this isn't a pity party, i'm just ready to fucking DO something...i keep picturing the cat cuddling up in bed with whoever I'M cuddling up in bed with...but who IS that? there's no face...well, that's not true exactly, there's several faces. sometimes i wake up talking to someone i wish was there...

ok, it's a SMALL pity party...

this is me, right now...

all reasonable offers considered...


gotta go, iggy's on letterman!

i love ya all... - m

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