kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Dec. 01, 2003

daddy's chillin', ok?
1:14 p.m.

i had a very brilliant chat with rob p. yesterday...he really made me think about some things that have been stressing me out lately...you might say the scales have fallen from my eyes a bit...(is that the right term?) i need to be more realistic about things...as usual. i've been spending a little too much time in fantasyland...as usual.

and today i got a sign that just reinforced that whole idea, so...good.

as rob put it, "daddies need to chill."

oh, ALL my friends have been so fucking brilliant lately, it really energizes me.

i was having trouble sleeping this morning around 2 a.m. and came in here for a few minutes. there was a message from branden

who i haven't heard from in months. he was working on a poly sci paper, and wanted me to read what he was working on. it's about how the media tends to make the news more like entertainment these days...how true!

and how odd that he had messaged me just as i got up from not being able to sleep...

there ARE no accidents, right?

and i STILL think his performance as the evil cat in honk was one of the best things i've ever seen on the local stage...i really miss that critter!

sounds like things are going real well for branden, i'm glad.

let's see, my weekend...got all caught up on paying bills, that's a relief...cashed out my quarters piggy bank, had almost 120 bucks in it! it's not really that big, and it wasn't even full. it's like free money, ya know?

so...i'm getting my own little stash this week...woo hoo, as the kids say.

little debbie's son gave me a kiss at work (another dream)...that's just plain bizarre...

ok, lunch is almost over....back to "reality"...whatever.

love ya all,

- m.

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