kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Dec. 05, 2003

altered states...
12:50 a.m.

mkaro1: it just makes me wonder about people...there's so many definite "types"

mkaro1: see, i get all thinky when i smoke

mkaro1: thinky?

DrTrebleMaker: nice

DrTrebleMaker: a new adjective


as john waters once said, "yes, mother, i'm high right NOW!"

pleasantly so, i must say.

really, i'm just testing the waters, dipping my toe in...it's not the gateway to a crack addition in six months, i don't make THAT much money...and i promise i'm not gonna keep talking about it, that would be boring...

that said, here's some art under the influence...

oh, god, it's the fetus from the end of 2001!

i dunno what all that white is about, it's just what i was into at the moment.

i'm listening to drawn from life again, the song "like pictures #2" has laurie anderson on it...her voice is one of the most soothing things in the world to me...

i hardly ever listen to music on the computer when i'm sufing or posting...and especially not during chatting, i find it kind of distracting...but that's just me...

ellen degeneres said "it's like you go to the music store because you want to buy a trombone, but they say 'we're out of trombones, would you like to buy a shoehorn?'...see, it's not the same thing!"

indeed, it isn't.

sometimes doing this dairy is like cooking a great meal, or, oh i dunno, i really love it most of the time, i look foward to writing it.

there's some amazing people around here...rob, come back soon!

god, this album is great...

ok, so this is me, stoned....not TOO obnoxious...

steve, i mailed your package today.

reading the basquiat book again, the bio...so, i lie in bed at 3 a.m. and go from that to the big book of paintings, cross-referencing...

when casey was here i showed him the francis bacon book, but that's some creepy shit if you're high!

ok, i guess that's it...love ya all...

- m.

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