kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003

the monkey has stopped dancing...
1:56 a.m.

played with code tonight...see? new colors, i could do that all day...color wheels, slider applets...new pic, too.

it's very...zen here.

matt closed his diary down...and DELETED everything! i was in shock at first, but...god, we talk all the time, and i certainly know him better through chat anyway. he might start all over...maybe.

jr sent me 3 brand new songs, great stuff. "winter tree", oh man, i've gotta play that for rob tomorrow...it's very folky, like nick drake, but also, there's a david crosby vibe to it, in the chords, maybe...

rain, rain, rain.

last night walked to 3-2-1 with rob. i had pork loin stew with potatoes and porcini mushrooms, oh that was good. i drew in the book they have, i did a self portrait with my eyes closed, it's fun! i have several dozen of those i did years ago, i should dig those out.

that avalon restaraunt sure looks pretty at night. saw shiny happy families in their nice clothes.

oh god, i saw puddle of mudd on mtv, the video was sooo nirvana, it was ridiculous. and the guy looks like kurt, it's too much. oh, i guess all their fans were in grade school 10 years ago...oh well, whatever, nevermind...


voices today from email, chat:

"Oh, what a great night! Both fights had the best possible results. NOW I'm going for a walk."

"why am I looking at butt plugs?"

"hey u sorry was away fell asleep on sofa .. you know the one.. im outta here im too tired to do anything lol byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chat sunday perhaps tc hugs"

"enough enough. blah blah blah. I don't know why he says these things."

i got a pen today in the mail, from gay.com. it's LAVENDER, honey, and it says "little gay pen" on it...oh and they sent a cd with, oh i dunno, looks like boring stuff mostly...rufus is on it, cool.

south park on a roll lately, great shows.

i hurt my neck last night, probably messing with my seatbelt that jams. i kept having to reach behind me and pull, it was getting twisted in the little slot thingy. it's almost back to normal now. my neck, i mean.

the cat goes from very loving and cuddly to "let me out NOW, daddy!" quite easily. he practically claws my face to get me up in the morning, well, he's just touching, but it could get ouch-y.


time for bed, i think.

- m.

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