kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003

a tuesday quickie...
1:15 p.m.

man, was it windy this morning! the cat wanted to go out, so i opened the front door, and he ran outside...he was jumping up, chasing a leaf, and then all of a sudden i think he decided "hey, this isn't so much fun after all!" he ran back inside real quick...

it's raining on and off, too.

a friend gave me the nicest present the other night, i was really touched. no off-the-shelf gift, this was something very unique and personal...and it was certainly worth the wait. a (fatherly) kiss on the forehead to you, my friend.

i sure resent the time i have to waste every day deleting all this fucking spam...

umm, what else is going on? oh, i saw the tail end of an interesting student film the other night, i hope i can catch the whole show sometime.

and part one of "angels in america" was pretty good, i could almost recite all the lines! i've been waiting for that thing for years! i must have read the books about 20 times...part 2 is next sunday.

steve in ohio got his package, he was tickled...a book on local victorian homes, the little atlas for his thing he's making for danny, some cookies, and a teddy bear to keep his bear company!

ok, on lunch here, guess i'll go...

do you love me? i love ya more...

- m.

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