kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003

12:34 a.m.

oh, it's so odd when two people have the same thought, especially online. a few of my friends have read my mind like that, they type in what i'm thinking as I'M writing it too...

i made a friend smile tonight, that was nice.

oh, but i felt a bit sad later, we went over some obvious stuff, stuff that doesn't count or apply here.

i mean, i like it like this..it's modern, as i said.

wait, no, i wasn't sad, scratch that.

now i have that pin stuck in the map, and i hope i conveyed how that makes things a little clearer...i can...SEE you a bit clearer, that's all.

"like one of those stupid little fish that are stuck to the ass of the shark."

no, no...not at all.

you and the cake, hehe.

traveling without moving...indeed.

(you can spell "traveling" with one L or 2...i prefer one.)

ok, goodnight.

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