kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002

12:04 a.m.

god, these people are desperate...

Hey Team Mariah,

You did a FANTASTIC job posting about Mariah's new contest on message boards last week! WAY TO GO!

Your Mission: Add the Mariah Banner!

Just in: We have a NEW Mariah Carey Banner to help support her single and new album! Have a website? Know someone with a site? Have a favorite website you want to see a Mariah banner on? CLICK HERE for the Mariah Carey banner code! Pass this page along to others! Let's see how many banners we can get up this week!

Don't forget to LOG the URL (web address) where you put the banner(s) up. This is THE ONLY way I will know how hard you are working to support Mariah!

Click here for details on LOGGING your banner

Show me what you're made of,


now all i did was sign up to win a chance to be at the meet-and-greet for mariah in s.f. i didn't post on any freakin' message boards...i've heard the new single, and it's total doo-doo... don't try to click on any of the above...um, here's the info and the banner they sent me...

Mariah Carey Banner Code: This banner will automatically change to support various Mariah Carey promotions!!! Keep the banner up and we'll keep YOU updated! Copy and paste this code in your HTML emails and to place the banner on your personal websites:

awww, she purty lady...

hmm, that's interesting, the banner will change over time. might be interesting to come back to this later and see what's going on. you can click on that, but you have to sign up...i did, just for the hell of it, and in like 15 seconds i got a confirmation in my hotmail account. andrew, find out what kind of servers mariah's got!

ok, unless something really weird happens (dear michael, why are you trashing me? love, mariah) that's the last you'll hear about the daffy diva around here...I PROMISE!

well, there IS one more thing...i accidentally sent an email to the big mariah fan...i have TWO justins in my address book, and i clicked on the wrong one. the message had nothing to do with miss c., but i quickly wrote him back and said "pay no attention. wrong justin...sorry." i saw on my sitemeter the next day that he came to my diary, but whatever he saw was of no interest to him apparently, cuz he didn't go back a few entries and see the hatchet job i did on his girl! that would have been funny...

next up... here's something very strange that happened tonight...this is a message i left in eddiemonsoon 's guestbook...(cue twilight zone music NOW) oh, this is too weird! i come home, put the groceries away, while listening to my "what it feels like for a girl" remix cd, (why, i have no idea...i mean, i last played it about a week ago), then i come in here and see i'm on your faves list, and then i see your template...SPOOKY! gonna come back in a bit and learn all about ya! thanks...michael ...see, his template has a picture of what LOOKS like madonna sitting on a bed with her head hanging down (don't think it's her, though) and there's some lyrics from the song i was listening to just minutes before...

======================================== wow! 33 visitors today, another record...and why? all i had up was the site of the week notice... you never can tell.. lots of NEW people, and i'm getting people on my guestmap i don't even know!


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