kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Feb. 05, 2003

pure randomness
12:45 p.m.

recent googles:

"i don't enjoy sex anymore"

"pictures of 'rap people' "

'you can pin and mount me like a butterfly"

" you took a boy and you made him old"

"henry rollins the gay thing lyrics" (i TOLD you!)

"j-lo's ass"

"the brakes"


another tv moment i forgot to mention yesterday: who is that tall chinese guy on the plane with mini-me in that apple commercial? should i know him? some basketball player, right?

and has anyone ever done a study looking at why most gay men aren't interested in football? all those big men in tight pants touching each other's bums, and most of us would STILL rather watch paint dry...

i spent six years in junior high and high school having to endure football every year in p.e. i never knew what i was doing, i just ran around when everybody else was, and tried to stay out of the way.

the same with basketball, i never got it...baseball i understood, but it still struck fear in my heart...i did LOVE volleyball, however.

and jr told me that they don't even MAKE you take showers anymore...that was the whole point of p.e. HA!

and ya know, professional skateboarding has been going on for what, at least 20 years? and the only name that's filtered down into my brain is tony hawk...i see the kids every day everywhere, and it seems all they do is fall off...all i can think is "good luck".


10:20 p.m.

ok, i said i'd be back...

just got back from downtown, rob and i went down to 3-2-1. i had two nice foamy chai teas. they have decaff now, that's good, cuz if i even have two cups of coffee at work now i get a little kookoo. i gave it up for several years, but now i have some occasionally...rob's really enjoying school. he's posting again, go to sweetsci and read something he wrote for school...it's an early school memory...it's great.

we went to the record store, it's open till 9:00 p.m. i bought "totally wired: the rough trade anthology" by the fall. oooh, i LOVE the fall! they have like 80 or so albums out, counting all the singles collections, live albums and stuff like that. i remember a lot of these songs...it's gonna be fun. it's playing right now.

i swear, if jr dyed his hair black and dressed a little punkier (not that i know HOW he dresses) he was in the record store tonight! well, this kid wasn't a dead ringer, but it was close! but of course that's silly, he's in l.a.

and i had a dream about jr this morning...he was in my driveway, looming over me, as i was standing in a hole in the middle of the driveway! he was telling me about his job at the pottery barn, and how if he transferred to the store in sacramento he'd be closer to home. jr, you had some real spiffy pale-green pleated pants on...

(jr does NOT work at the pottery barn...)

there's been a fair amount of activity over at gr8test-hits lately (i ran all three banners again)...i saw such a wonderful entry today that i asked the author if he would be interested in dropping it into G-H, and he said he'd be "honored"! it's also about childhood memories and such. please go read it, it's wonderful. it's called "remember".

i have sold quite a few pregnancy tests at work lately, compared to maybe one a month. hmmm, a trend or just coincidence?

ah, yes...i was asked today when i'm gonna get around to writing about the sex scandal at work...soon, i promise. i want to see what happens next, the story really isn't over yet. someone got fired, and someone else didn't. both parties are married. let's leave it at that for now. apparently there may be some legal action. what a fucking mess!

and now i think i shall bid you a good evening - michael

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