kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003

to do list
12:07 p.m.

things i'd like to get done before my birthday...so i can have a nice relaxing day to myself...

1. pay bills. (DONE!)

2. load up the truck for a run to the dump.

3. DMV business... *shudder*.

4. go to that barbershop downtown and get me a military-style haircut and see if i look ridiculous or not.

sheila - i HAVE wheels...need to get my ass down to fortuna.
jean - just to touch base, maybe arrange getting together.
bob - about tilling garden...it's time to plant!

6.email laura z. and mrs. norton invitations to see photogra album. (DONE!)

7. email harriet - what if she IS really sick? need to make contact. (DONE!)

8. call lee at solesavers about that little noise the brakes are making...i have a 30-day warranty...

9. clean kitchen - ants!

10. new work shoes!

11. find out what's on some of my unlabeled video tapes...way behind on that one!

11. do taxes! short form by telephone, WHAT am i waiting for?

12. walk, walk, walk!

13. get a new burn-barrel permit at the fire station. (DONE!)

14. call keith!

15. mail cd's! (DONE!)

16. shave...and STAY shaved! (DONE!)

17. get a shitload of tourist-y brochures and stuff for mr. moore...i told him if he wants to stay in my basement, he's gonna have to dig one!


check back and see what gets crossed off this list...or if it gets bigger...

4:45 p.m.

it IS getting bigger!

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