kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Aug. 08, 2003

tears before bedtime
11:17 p.m.

just got home from the play...rob took his own car in case i ended up heading over to sheila's...he's driving to arizona tomorrow...

the first few minutes i thought, oh, no...this is gonna be like waiting for guffman...i mean, "family entertainment" isn't really my scene...but it was much more than that. the singing was great, especially some of the big group numbers, and there were some real nice harmonies. reen was wonderful, the scene where she played the cat...oh, she was good. i need to go sign her guestbook.

there were THREE diarylanders in the show!

branden was delicious as the evil tomcat set on having the ugly duckling for dinner. and ugly's gradual transformation into a swan was great as well.

and jr....he was fantastic...that boy can play. he was tickling the ivories real good. he had some big-ass headphones on. he was tucked in the back in this little dimly-lit alcove...but when he turned the page of his score, or scratched his cheek, his hands reminded me of tom verlaine's.

oh, nobody's gonna know what the fuck that means...

i wonder if he saw me. i DID flash him a "v" for victory as we were heading out..

i cried a little bit at the end.

oh, and one song was so moving...something about "someday someone's gonna love you...warts and all".

there were pictures of everyone in the entryway...jr, you looked so handsome...like the picture of you at dinner...i think you must look like that all the time now (the REAL you, remember?)...the little boy is gone, i guess.

i didn't go backstage, i always feel awkward...what was i gonna say, "hi branden, you don't know me, but i'm hosting that picture in the new template matt made for you..."?

THAT would have been funny.

i screamed along with john and exene on the way down, and listened to court and spark on the way home. i almost cried again during "car on a hill"...("and so much sweetness in the dark"...damn you, joni!)

too bad matty couldn't make it...i think i might want to go again, there were so many beautiful songs...

ok, that's it i guess...i'm feeling kind of melancholy right now.

love ya, michael

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