kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Aug. 11, 2003

5:36 p.m.

greetings from beautiful colorado!
working on my tan as you can see...but my headset is firmly planted on my head, so call if you need anything.

talked to branden the cat last night, nice guy.

talked to kieran in england today...NICE GUY!

heading to rob's to feed my stepkitties.

been walking at night lately...it's nice and cool. looking for some trouble to get into, but can't seem to find any.

note to a friend...re: rejection:
if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. THEN give up.

in need of a little hand-to-hand combat here... anybody wanna wrestle?

i'm a shooter.

"oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight.

kiss me down by the broken tree house."


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