kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003

chicago collector's item...free!
6:44 p.m.

hey, is anybody interested in this chicago display?

i've got dibs on the top section...renee and c. zeta-jones are cutouts, they stick out in front of mr. gere...if you pay me back for the postage, it's yours!

drop me a line in the guestbook and let's talk...don't delay, there's only one available, ok?

phu gave me permission to post a picture of his
computer set-up on the "cribs" page...go take a look...

i've gotten TWO googles recently for "hot motel wife"....whatever.

ok, gotta go watch a tape of bb4 from last night so i know what's going on tonight.

matty got a sunburned nose at band camp.

trevor, where ARE you?

steve, that poem brought back some great memories, even though i wasn't there... i love you, baby boy.

k. maria, it's always such a joy to see your tiny blue words in my email.

clare, miss you!

branden, hope we can talk more...remember, it's all about growth. might come and see you again this weekend, you evil pussycat!

rob, you gonna write about arizona?

well, ok, that's it for tonight...

i wanna kiss you ALL on the back of the neck!

( i mean ANYONE who bothers to come by and read this thing...ok? ) haha...

- michael

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