kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003

today our hero has
"that little talk"
with the new boy at work...

7:03 p.m.

DTM: How was work?

mkaro1: haha, fuckin' great!

DTM: did you tell him?

mkaro1: yes, it was cool, and funny!

DTM: How'd I guess?

DTM: lol

mkaro1: yeah

DTM: okay, details...

mkaro1: i have to think about it...i was talking fast, getting ready to leave, it was in between customers

mkaro1: i said "this is gonna sound totally random, but i remember you from when you were in high school..."

mkaro1: i should have said "from a few years ago."

mkaro1: told him i saw him in the paper a few times - he was an honor student...and that i had a video of him at gay pride in the anti-homophobia skit he was in

mkaro1: told him i was gay, but that it's not a big deal
at work, some people know, some don't

mkaro1: he said he kind of had a feeling!

mkaro1: big butch me?

DTM: lol

DTM: gaydar

mkaro1: right...

mkaro1: and i told him when i used to see him in the old store i always wanted to tell him i thought it was so cool that he started the gay-straight alliance at eureka high

mkaro1: but then he disappeared...to berkeley!

mkaro1: and that when he dropped his application off, i told the boss i knew he was a good kid

DTM: ya

mkaro1: and i said i didn't want to say something to him right away when he started working...ya know...
like "hi, brother!", haha!

mkaro1: he said he was thinking of asking me...

mkaro1: must have been that picture of me and my two hot boys he saw!

DTM: lol

mkaro1: so, anyway, that's out of the way, it was cool, and i feel real good.

mkaro1: the end!

DTM: lol

mkaro1: well, i think i just wrote tonight's entry here...

mkaro1: have to tidy up the spelling a bit!

DTM: haha

mkaro1: so next week will be fun to work together...

mkaro1: and now i don't have to feel like the token
homo anymore

DTM: heh

mkaro1: oooh, i feel good! coming out to someone is always...i dunno, it kind of relaxes me or something.

mkaro1: THAT sounds odd

DTM: lol

mkaro1: and NOW i can go "oooh, check THAT out!"

DTM: lol

DTM: When I walk by, right?

mkaro1: goes without saying....with my new glasses or not!

DTM: haha

mkaro1: well, i WANTED him to develop those pictures, ya know, i thought THAT was a subtle little clue...

mkaro1: i'm TOTALLY wired on coffee right now...

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