kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Dec. 02, 2002

fuck me, it's december already!...and the return of MARIAH!
11:37 a.m.

well, i never came back last night...if i could have stayed home for the day at lunch time, i would have posted a muthafukka...i was in the mood then.

so i'm off today and tomorrow, and once again it's time to GET SHIT DONE! i'll write some tonight...no really. i need to get all my bills in the mail. oh fuck, and i got a jury duty notice for the end of december! grrrrr! more on that later...maybe.

and here's some more googles i got...still nothing too weird.

"tattoos for cowboys"

"she does protest too loudly"

"citrus cherry picker"

"bowie winterland poster"

"bloody stars" - oh, that one was interesting...the domain was "stab.org"! ok, some goth stuff, whatever...so i looked further and found that "stab" was short for st. anne's belfield school, in charlottesville, va.! well, that STILL sounds kind of goth to me...

later, sweet babies


2:00 p.m.

a letter from mr. smartypants (hey, that's me!)

mr. doran:

first of all i'd like to say i always enjoy your writing. and let me say i'm not trying to be a smartass here... hope you can see the humor.

that said, you have made a HORRIBLE mistake in your recent column! in referring to the book in the land of the grasshopper song , you say it was written "just after the turn of the century".

i noticed in the picture of the local production of the stage adaptation that those women were dressed in what i can ony refer to as "old-timey clothes".

i looked up the book on amazon.com and was shocked to see that the book was written almost 100 years ago!

well, to be accurate, the turn of the century only occured a few years ago. (the jury is still out as to when the century actually started, 2000 or 2001.)

it's just one of those things we say all the time...but it has a new meaning these days.

thank you for your time,
michael k.


6:00 p.m.

oh boy, this is TOO funny...

do you remember a few months ago i was talking about a certain young man here at diaryland...the BIG mariah carey fan? the one i thought should get into rufus wainwright? go HERE to see what i'm talking about...and read HERE too...i was really on a roll!

anyhoo, i went to his diary today, and look what he had to say:


back from thanksgiving break. lol. i think a total of 2 people read this diary. how sad is that!!?? oh well. thanksgiving break went well. i have a lot to say about it, yada yada yada, but i don't feel like typing it now. and besides, i don't have the time. finals are coming up next week. i'm taking five courses, and i know i got an A in one of them, so i gotta keep goin' strong. Mariah Carey's album charbracelet comes out, and out of the two people who read this, i know ONE of them will definitely NOT buy it, lol., and i'm not sure about the other one. he likes rufus wain-something...does he like mariah? i wonder. buy it anyway.


now, one of the two people he lists on his faves list likes rufus AND ryan adams (yay!), so i'm not sure which of the two people he mentioned is supposed to be me, or if he's even talking about me in the first place. (i'm NOT on his faves list!) see, i wrote him a few weeks ago cuz he was very depressed and sounded like he was gonna quit his diary. i told him i still read him. plus i knew he was a big justin timberlake fan, and there was this TOTALLY SMOKIN' pic of a shirtless j.t. grabbing his crotch in details magazine:

so i scanned it and sent it too him. (britney, girl are you nuts? i mean, uh, yum...)

but i'm still pretty sure he never saw me trashing ms. carey, cuz i'm sure he would have written back and defended her.

so i think i'm gonna write to him right now and come clean...


well, ok, ...i let THAT particular cat out of the bag...

hi j _____ -

glad you had a nice thanksgiving... i'm sure it can be a bit of culture shock going home. read your entry today (i told you i still read ya!) wondering if one of those two readers you mentioned was me...

see, a few months ago, i really trashed your girl mariah. really raked her over the coals! this was in no way meant to cast aspersions upon your character or your taste in music. actually, i don't think you saw it, cuz you would have been angered enough to write me and tell me off. i KNOW mariah means a lot to you.

it's just that for someone like myself, growing up when i did, all the stuff i've been lucky enough to have been exposed to (everything from my punk rock roots to joni mitchell), and my beliefs in what makes music more than just a disposable element of our lives, blah, blah, blah...well, for people like us, mariah just doesn't cut it. i thought that you, being a newly-hatched baby bird in the big, gay world, might really identify with the talented mr. rufus wainwright.

but perhaps mariah speaks to you more. i understand that. that's one of the wonderful things music does for us.

anyway, it's all in my entry today (12-2). i quoted your entry...and there's links there to take you back to my thrashing of ms. carey. and if you need to write me back and rip me a new one, please feel free. this was never about hurting your feelings, please remember that. and i hope charmbracelet gives you a lot of happiness. i'm being sincere here, really.

take care, and keep on writing!

- michael

ok, i was pretty nice, right? i NEVER gave out his diary address or his name...and it was NEVER about saying anything bad about him. i don't think i ever did. course, if i was him, i'd probably be pissed... i get that too.

but it's just so wonderful when you can turn someone on to something new and they really dig it...i mean, if jr turns out to really love the smiths, i'll be really happy. but if not, no biggie. by the way, i've heard some of joni's new cd, and i'm not impressed...it sounds kind of...boring to me. she's re-done a bunch of her old songs with an orchestra...i heard "amelia", and it just sounds kind of sluggish. like something a 60-year old woman would do. oh, wait...nevermind! hank, you've had it a few weeks now...should i buy it just for the paintings? geez, it's like 35 bucks! (yeah, 2 cd's, but still...)

ok, i'm gonna take a break here...or maybe i've done enough damage for one night! i guess we'll see...

8:00 p.m.

ok, i just had a 12 minute visit from james madison unversity...that'd be my boy! waiting for a scorching email to drop in my box...but no, nothing. maybe's he's just gonna ignore me. can't blame him...

10:30 p.m.

and the boy responds...

LOL. i got this email from this fellow diaryland guy and he like welcomed me back to school from thanksgiving or something. and in my previous entry i mentioned about mariah carey's album coming out, well, today actually. and he read that entry and wrote me this long email explaining that he mentioned me in a couple of his previous entries and how i love mariah then he started trashing mariah and saying all this stuff about her, he put the links to the specific entry on the email, and he apologized for writing it and he's sorry if i get pissed off or offended or something. well, first off, if he never told me about it, i probably would've never found out. SECOND, yes it was YOU whom i was referring to as the one of two people who read this diary. and i probably would've got pissed off at what you wrote if it wasn't so damn funny. i especially like the line that went something like "i tried to expose him to rufus wainwright, but i think that went over like a fart in church" LOOL. It sure did! lool. but honestly, i did go to one of his websites and read a couple song lyrics of his. but i guess i gotta hear it if i'm gonna like him or not.

well i guess that's the end of that little story...i'm glad he's not mad. NOW i think we can put this entry to bed!

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